November 14, 2010 journal, Jesse Ventura says America was attacked by Americans that clear September morning as his brave earthshaking research is being replayed all today on cable TruTV. The only thing missing is a statement saying the towers were imploded by skill modern false Israeli technicians of the Mossad. Also true is said that 120 people rule the world. We are being killed by food and medicines beginning way back to fluoride and before. We were traded off in 1913 to the "Zionist" children of Esau. Why would not they want to merge us with Russia their homeland after all they invented communism and killed a 100 million Christian people beginning in 1917. We are blinded by the Church calling them God's favorite people. The Old Testament Book of Obadiah dictates the end of Edom and the destruction of every seed of Esau. I believe the end is near for all of those impostors. Let Christian people declare their sovereignty, flush out those obscured. I am glad Jesse showed the Guide Stones Over Georgia at Elberton, Ga. mandating the world's population reduction by 80 percent to balance the ecology that is carved in stone. So bold is Lucifer to manifest our destruction right before our eyes and laugh at us behind our backs for being so stupid we cannot figure out we are being marked for death daily. We live by fear from the church and state because fear is an industry extremely exploited. We are muzzled and cannot criticize modern Israel for fear of being branded anti Semitic. The flu shot is another killer one of so many in our enormous arsenal of deadly weapons. Let everyone own a home tax free and have free medical treatment. Reject cap and trade. Federal employees make double that of the private sector with fancy retirement programs. Where is the $400 million given to the Red Cross for Haiti relief after the earthquake hit? John McCain treated Ron Paul bitterly and demonically cruel in the Republican debates. Ron Paul at CNN Republican Debate 11-28-07 Watch the faces of the nervous CFR members, while Ron Paul speaks! "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered ... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -Thomas Jefferson The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (Paperback) by G. Edward Griffin (Author) the neoconartists private foreign Federal Reserve Bankster's. The biggest conspiracy to defraud the American people is the Rothschild Bank's Federal Reserve of 1913 which I believe gives Zionist people money to purchase America. Wall Street dont need to make money they just print it with a backdoor to the Federal Reserve. What flimsy evidence they have that Arab Moslem radicals pulled off attack on America. No plane ever hit the pentagon and no black boxes were ever found or that are admitted. America has been a utopia for the Marxist Leninist Russian Zionists children of Esau and their brutal wealth. They control education, medicine & every department of government. They control our war policy and have for the past hundred years serving their purpose of population reduction and military profits. It would be the end of any congressman to vote against money for the troops. It would be unpatriotic to not pay them to kill the innocent people on the battlefields where America under Zionist leadership has occupied Arabian nations in the Middle East hostile to Israel. The outrage to attack Iran is still on the table. We are seeing the last Kuralt with Ben Bernanke shoveling money into the Wall Street's and pretending everything is wonderful as fanned by the Zionist owned spin doctor press. They would not dare tell us how bad it really is since derivatives trading sunk Wall Street. It is all one big false flag operation to print the money to control America and boss things. Pat Robertson said on his powerfully influential proZionist TV network that the TSA had gone too far in grabbing choches in the airports and that is the truth for sure but he is a double agent preaching 2 gospels and maybe not even realize it. The Zionist people he is pushing as Israel are the very same reptilian people that are imprisoning this our America. It could be a hay day for the weirdo perverts to get a job now with their Transportation Security Administration. The people in America are finally rising up against this atrocity. Pat Robertson said on his TV network that airport security was a joke and it is at large. Is it true all Treasury Notes or IOUs are traded from the New York Federal Reserve & they are purchased through Goldman Sachs Jewish financial neocon scalawag monopoly? It is certainly not likely that any of this money ever gets down so far as Washington. D.C. The China and Arab money invested is intercepted in New York City by the Goldmans. Since the Federal Reserve is a foreign banking privately owned and they obey no laws in America keeping no records they may not be able to prove the American people owe them anything but they really do not need to prove anything because all the money that is coming into the Treasury is directed to them. Just look on the back of your check to see. Never in history has the House of Esau risen to such great heights and to be their final act.