Ms. Sandra Rupp                                       April 8, 2002


Dear Sandy            Re: The painting Idolatry


Sorry to leave you confused over the painting idolatry.  I do not expect you to understand the true intent of the statement made by this painting. It is an indictment of the present day church and identifying religious addiction by the very nature of the response we're getting.  The painting is 100% Biblical but it is a shocker.  It is not only the Catholic Church that is involved in idolatry, the Protestant Church is as well, this message goes further to identify the drugging of the nation's as the press release describes as a second title.


This painting happened between us spontaneously but preparation had been over a number of years because it culminates facts both of us have been studying and painting since 1995, at least in my case.  I believe God is confronting the church in these last days to dispel all false doctrine. 


You say I have rewritten the Bible but I have not, the Bible was rewritten many times and especially by King James with his staff of the interpreters including a Catholic.  I know we think we have heard all and we are loyal to religious tradition herein comes the addiction.


Who is to say that we must attend any particular church or be churched to be saved.  Only those whose names are written in the Lambs Book of life will be saved whether you attend one church or a thousand.  Most church doctrine is false in the traditions of men.  The Bible contains the Word of God as ‘rewritten by man’.  The Old Testament was edited.


The name of Jesus has gravitated from years to its present spelling which is not the name of Christ.  The artist's depiction of Christ in 1940 has become the status symbol, or the image of Christ recognized by the modern Church.  It is not the true Christ even if it is in baptismals and stained glass windows in churches all over this country.  We both feel a spiritual anointing to rebuke those things that are man made that take away from the glory of the real Christ.   We choose to sacrifice our popularity as artist to confront the false church and the false Christ to magnify the real Christ.  Someday true believers will see this and alter their ways of worship of the true and living God Almighty but for now we expect to be persecuted for revealing this truth.  Once truth is revealed it is set in stone.


I did not intend to get on the Jewish subject but I believe you brought it up.  The modern-day Jew is not the chosen of God and the Bible does not support that claim.  The church teaches this but it is wrong.  After the invention of the letter J about 200 years ago, all the J words were changed over time in our present Bible.  Prior to this there was no J words at all so there was no word Jew in Bible days.  We are Israel from the 10 lost tribes, the church failed to identify this over all these years, they settled the British Islands in Old Testament times and we are still God's favorite people.  The modern-day Jews are a majority descendants of Esau called Edomites that forms the state of Israel today. The so-called ‘Jews’ that fail to believe will not be saved against their freewill.  The migration

of the Israelites to the British Isles is literally set in stone.  The church is closed to truth.

When I saw a vision to paint art I had no idea the end result would take me out of my religious addiction to a marvelous new world of truth that is absolutely verified by the Scriptures if we interpret them correctly.  I struggled with this years and this is the end result in a painting entitled idolatry which expresses it all and more when it comes to the Masonic Shriners control over our country practicing the Moslem faith and Osiris and Antichrist.  The real Antichrist is the dynasty of Popes revealed by Martin Luther soon after 1517 A D when he began the protest that resulted in the Protestant movement.  The rapture doctrine was written by a Spanish priest in 1582 to counteract the Pope being identified as Antichrist which he is.  The modern Church had rather believe this than to except the truth because they really want to alter the overall plan of God.   Revelation

Prophecy has been continually fulfilled since the vision was revealed.  The harboring of the Satanic Masonic Lodge by the Baptist Church is surely the worst offender of God.


We painted tombstones on the false Mary mothers robe and then we wrote the many deadly sins including I believe self righteousness to be one of the worst committed by the church considering themselves better than the common sinner. My partner in this painting is deeply studied and is an example of how God converted him from the world to a model Christian, gives me confidence to make a statement I have longed to make describing the present day church as it has compromised and is steeped in self righteous.


I will not defend it, the Bible defends it when interpreted correctly with knowledge of the influence that man has had on the Word in history.  It is time we return to the true gospel.

The true church is in the hearts of believers, not in great temples of men.  Let the church

confess the obvious truth.  Let the host of the Lord be heard in righteous. 




William Thompson