April 22, 2002 journal, education day diversion for the USA, a trip to Tennessee, Great Smoky Mountains are a marvel. Hot springs North Carolina on the French Broad River. This curse is hanging over our heads and it will be used. The main platform of the present administration was education. The diversion by using great sounding terms is cover up for evil. In some strange move the first bush signed into law after Congress had passed this perverted bill in 1991 making us a Jewish State subject specifically to the Noahide laws of the Old Testament with their seven Commandments forbidding idolatry which includes in Judeaism, the worship of Christ to be idolatry. Where are we America? This is so crucial.
As stated such violations of the normal idol laws are punishable by decapitation. Although not yet enforced it most likely will be in the near future as the ultimate weapon against the Christian people of this nation not to be confused with Catholic use of the name Christian. Never in history has such an oppressive law been passed against any religion. You will find this in the congressional record-public law #102-14(HJ Res.104): March 20, 1991 described as Education Day, U.S.A. proclamation, Joint resolution to designate March 26, 1991 as "Education Day, U.S.A.". "Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bed rock of society from the dawn of civilization when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws. Whereas without these ethical values and principles the deifice of civilization stands in serious perils of returning to chaos". The listing in yesterday's Journal of the seven sins specified in the Noahide Laws from the Encyclopedia of Judaism cause some to fear those who would like to know what we are subjected to in terms of religion. I will continue to list the manifest of the bill in future journals until I have described this question to the best of my knowledge and understanding according to the information I have received. It is my opinion that we are subject here to great endtime persecution that is now sitting in the shadows waiting for the proper time to be activated. This is a proclamation adopted by the United States Congress under the guise of education led by or recognizes the birthday of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson on his 90th birthday and led apparently for the founder of the Lubavitch movement that is headquartered in New York. I had heard of this in the early 90's and have a copy of it but lost it. My interest was renewed when I heard Jack Van Eppe mention this Rabbi on his weekly TV program and showed all those Jewish people crowded into the Oval Office recently. There are fifteen pages on a website watch.pair.com/law.html fairly describes this Congressional law that we are subject to.
Why did our Congress pass such a law in obscurity that potentially has a death sence.
you don't tangle with them hill boys up in them there hills. As I drove North to Cleveland I rounded a curve on highway 276 and there was a little red pickup truck stopped in the middle my lane that I almost run over. This individual who is classified locally as being a redneck and stopped to help someone stranded on opposite side with his big arm out the window not considering that he was blocking the highway in a blind spot and there I was
in harm's way liable to be killed by the next vehicle speeding up the road and down this hill and around this curve unaware that this dummy was blocking the Northbound lane. I blew my horn and that was the wrong thing to do even thought I was trying to save both of our lives and maybe more of innocent drivers. He moved but then stopped again in the middle of the lane and shook his fist at me violently using curses I cannot repeal. I put the petal to the medal and passed him as quickly as possible leaving him to ventilate his anger.