The sound of war dominates our airways today with Saddam Hussain being the target for our aim. We might call this a holy war to rid the world of evil but there's thousands more just as bad or worse. The Bible says to let God be the great avenger and handle all our enemies. War is profitable ahead of most business today and I fear that is the main cause.
If I were a soldier I would refuse to fight, no one seems to realize how close we are to the final battle. Awaken us Lord I pray to a knowledge of prophecy that is being fulfilled now.
Deliver us Lord from pride and envy. Deliver us Lord from greed and from all idolatry.
Hippocratic oath taken by all medical doctors is now
being changed to a more general term and increasing from 300 words to over a
thousand to describe a more liberal position that a physician can take in the
practice of medicine as it is termed. Dr. Hippocrates 1800s A.D.would never recognize a revised Hippocratic Oath to kill babies and
perform youth in
The disruption of standard traffic is a menace and also spells the end time season coming.
We're destroying the highways. Every road is blocked with construction so you cannot go.
we are so rich and independent, why are we dependent on
We are becoming more dependent everyday on foreign-made goods to operate ourselves.
We are spending our money on sports arenas and second homes to escape the first homes. Churches are building larger facilities to accommodate the crowds of lost people hungry for what they do not have. No one is ever rich enough to be satisfied but they want more.
If your church makes no difference in your daily life to sanctify from the appearance of sin then you're surely in the wrong place and not in the House of God. Many of these steeple bearing structures are houses of deception of Satan and bear no resemblance of God like.
You can make a difference in your church or in your workplace by living the life holy and acceptable unto God. The Christian life is an individual matter and denotes an individual relationship with the Lord. Let us bear the burdens and carry the loads and to be faithful unto God in all things desiring only holiness and righteousness for ourselves and all others.
Trying to use the roads today is like trying to live a Christian Life, we find roadblocks in every direction and never know when the on ramps or exits will be blocked with no notice.
The winds of war are blowing and I believe we are getting ready to strike the enemy down where we shall be also when the united Arab world deploys their full force in Armageddon upon us according to their evil plan to eliminate all the free world and worshipers of God. It is the final battle between God and the devil, it will destroy all of those of false doctrine.
Only a true relationship with God will survive us in this day of world destruction for evil.
We think we have power but no nation has real power that is out of harmony with God.
Revelation 2-9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and not, but are the synagogue of Satan.10-Fear none of those things which thou shall suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation 10 days:".