February 15, 2002 journal, Nutrasweet sickness and death, poison, the original Valentine story is told by a Catholic Church in Dublin, Ireland on his past about a martyred priest for who was beheaded for performing Christian marriages but that is for her and for couples about 250 A D which predates the Catholic Church. The church is trying to prove this from the legitimacy is planting end time events that confirm its existence and authority. Quoting the 700 Club show on the 13th replayed their opposition to NutraSweet saying that Donald Rumsfel has been heavy in the NutraSweet Co. promoting this dangerous artificial sweetener that is believed to be causing headaches, stomachaches, tumors of the brain and in many cases even death. A multitude of serious ailments are attributed to NutraSweet from Aspertame and Phenolaniline, the 2 proteins that is sweet when mixed. Our society including our churches turn a deaf ear and are blind to facts regarding health and wellness in exchange for poverty and sickness for the masses, money and wealth for themselves. Only a few could be wealthy and only a few may be well eating this diet. As he beckoned be no argument about the potency of chlorine and fluoride. If you drink this stuff straight it will kill you for sure. The diluted to maybe one part per million but sometimes it gets higher. It is reported that five parts per million shortens people like to maybe have and makes the miserable. This is so dangerous to mix for a few there may be to my age. Part in is to sabotage us they could just turn out the mix off and by the time we found out it would be too late for most I believe. We have too many handy things for our images and at their disposal to use against a added time they may wish. Read your Colgate toothpaste warning label if you do not believe that fluoride is a deadly poison. Many children are reported killed every year from swallowing the dentist rinse of fluoride. For those of chlorine to kill bacteria and it does just that, it kills fish if you put city water into your fishbowl. Fluoride was used by Hitler to poison the water in Poland WWII. Aluminum byproduct fluoride is used in rat poison to cause slow death by starvation. Let us take-off the blinders and listen to reality. Already so many of our people are zombies. A young woman was killed early today chasing a case of beer in Anderson County when she jumped on the hood of his truck 3:30 a.m. at a convenient food store. She was only a customer in the store and wasted her life in the pursuit of an evildoer. Make no mistake. I am honored to have Mr. Norbert Kox coming to visit me today. We are planning to do a collaborative painting. Norbert paints apocalyptic and it is his painting on the front cover of ‘the end is near book’ from the show in Baltimore at American visionary Art Museum. Make good use of your time and make sure it does not ruin now due to a frivolous habit that will cut your days short. Chase after nothing. The world will beat a path to your door and will find you in the jumble or in the most secluded areas. Have faith in God for all times and in the long haul wavering not. “For he that puts his hand to the pile and look back is not worthy of the kingdom of God". Bless us now Lord I pray and enrich us with your goodness and mercy. Make our path to be straight. Sanctify us from evil. More and more people are figuring out that the twin towers tale does not match. It was reportedly printed in an Israeli newspaper one month before it happened. Some of the people there
were obviously absent for some reason and they've never found all those bodies. There is not seem to be in the spring for a system working in either building. There were no plans to save anyone and no rooftop rescues. There is so many secrets about this happening. Now there is many people sick from breathing the toxic air that is still floating in Newark.
A trip to the airport is now an ugly experience to get through security to pick someone up.