July 4, 2002 journal, instant with the Lord or soul sleep, Stone Mountain 4 horses ride off.

This year we plan to see those 4 generals that our carved on Stone Mountain Georgia for the first time, right off into the darkness.  Robert E. Lee and stonewall Jackson are two of them.  The old road to Atlanta went right by them.  A hundred thousand people gather in the evening of the fourth of July to see the light show and picnic on the grounds. so much  important history of the South is replayed in this marvelous exhibit and great production.  The circle around of the Civil War is nearby at the London Zoo also worth seeing.  Much of the history of those difficult days is obscure giving a bias opinion of what made history.

There's not much independence left to celebrate, its mostly just a bang of routine without anyone taking it serious.  We are in a shameful position before God and man having been silent for the great slaughter of 50 million unborn babies in this country since the court of the most high ruled in 1973 to override all state laws classifying abortion is murder of a human being and especially murder at birth as is being performed now to kill the babies.

I will have nothing to do with the political system that tolerates this barbaric act against human beings breaking God's law as one of the 10 Commandments.  I believe the soul can go to hell even having kept the 10 Commandments but for minor sin committed in this life.


I will always remember and cherish the thoughts of my aunt Wyona who loved and cared about me 2nd only to my own mother.  She was buried at Popular Springs Baptist Church and the preacher read the scripture at the grave side "Of those who sleep there will be a resurrection.  For this I believe and I also believe that when we are absent from the body that we are present with the Lord, when Christ returns to earth Revelation tells us, He will be accompanied by 10,000, or clouds of saints.  It is hard for me to understand that all await the resurrection to resume life.  It is reasonable I believe to believe that the saints of God will rejoin an earthly renewed body at that day in time.  After the funeral I ask the pastor how old the church was and he did not know but thought of as 200 years.  The hill was covered with grave sites and many of them appeared to be from the 1800's.  Elijah you recall was taken up to heaven an a chariot yet there were discovered in the Book of revelation a large number of souls under the altar and waiting eagerly for God to punish the earth and its inhabitants for spilling their blood.  I know the end is near because we are all boarding the future and bring the wrath of God down upon us.  You may not know the coming is near if you do not feel God in your heart. you may even think he does not exist and that he does not see every thought and deed of our being, but he does.  Compromise not your fath in Christ the Lord and be knowledgeable of the Second coming in this day.

Give us truth Lord and understanding of thy holy word.  Make us thy willing servants and make us obedient to the holy will in all things confronting us in this life and in this world.