July 19, 2002 journal, marketing of the Holy Spirit, marketing of the rapture, bus ministry.

It is heavy on my heart to make a statement about what I see and hear to understand that today the special blessings of God are packaged and marketed by the church on wholesale basis so to speak.  I received the Holy Spirit after seeking it for more than two years but today the modern Pentecostal or charismatic church is teaching people to speak in tongues without the preparation of the heart and life.  Do you want the real or the phoney?  It took me 2 years to get myself right, the Holy Spirit was ready all the time.  The Holy Spirit is not a market tool for the church or the world.  One must meet the conditions and want it more than any earthly thing.  When we stand focused before the Lord, we are a candidate

to receive the Holy Spirit.  We must continue to live this way to retain the great ‘abiding’  marvelous presence of the Holy Ghost.  The rapture doctrine is marketed by the church in much the same way and for much the same reason as we see today in Protestant circles.  No longer is there much of a reproach to being the Pentecostal holiness or contemporary as it is now called in many cases.  Hard rock music is being played and the old-time Helms are no longer heard.  The preaching has changed also to a more pleasing and happy line of ear tickling wherein there is no right or wrong. The only problem is, God has not changed. If people play church they will surely suffer during the great harvest of souls gathering that is so clearly described in the New Testament and books of prophecy put out there for us.

The established steepled church will be the last to receive and understand the truth in art I am painting. My mission is not to the church but to the world. The church is self righteous for the most part or unrighteous may be a better term to describe the modern situation.  I am sure there is a lot of good left in the remnant of the church but the truth is more vital.

The rapture doctrine sounds great but to preach it is a vain thing because it is a phony.

The fathers of the Protestant church did not teach rapture doctrine, they were honest.  A few generations pass and all anchor to truth is lost.  The great tribulation has passed for the most part when the Catholics killed so many million Christians in ages we have forgot.

There is such a little spiritual inspiration left in church people until understanding of truth is rare.  Let us return to the true ways.  Receive ye the Holy Spirit as they did back then.

Robert Roberg is here to receive his bus and drive it back to Florida to paint the message.

May God bless this ministry of visual art to show Revelation prophecy to all of the world.

  In Acts chapter 2 "And when the day of Pentecostal was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.2-And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3-And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and is set upon each of them.  And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance".  The key to it is "in one accord". How could the present day church receive it so divided on their theology. Lord, make us to agree with each other, become one single mind in service.

Robert drove out of the Transit Authority Lot and to a service station on the bypass where he filled it up with diesel fuel cutting it off several times. At scenic highway 11 he cut it off to say goodbye and buy peaches but then it would not restart. We tried jumper cables and everything finely employing a mechanic who determined the starter was burned out.  We failed the find a replacement starter tonight and finally a miracle happened.  Returning to the GTA the gentleman told us how to start the bus and returning to the bus, we tried it and it worked.  The bus cranked up and ran so well.  For once it was great to smell the diesel fuel spent.  We followed Robert to Gowensville and said goodbye to him again.