June 16, 2002 journal, detoxification, religion, fulfillment, grief and sadness, revealing. Qt

"The emotions which can create susceptibility or block natural detoxification mechanisms for the skin are usually grief and sadness. Assisting these detoxification systems, fasting and cleansing diets are often impractical in our fast paced society.  Though effective to a degree, they are usually not sufficient for the release of specific deep seated toxins.  To reach such deep levels of detox through fasting would be to exhausting for the system given many people's lifestyles.  Therefore, they are used as an adjunct to a comprehensive detoxification program.  The Bible speaks many times of "religion" but usually in a bad light.  The pharisees critique rest this but this that what did it had and will debut  off how he H A R had/ have religion. even the devil has religion.  The Christian people have salvation through the blood of Christ shed on the crawls and there is no mistake and.

The word detox I thought always referred to alcohol but I'm finding a refers to the toxins in our body.  It is said that everyone be in today's diet begins to lose digestion by age 30.

stress I believe is the main contributor to poor digestion.  If we relax and eat slow the proper foods that I believe we can regrow and developed our bodies to natural size and our muscles to their natural state.  I like people come and go from the cafeteria and I believe half of them were crippled in some way.  Few were walking straight in peace.  I believe the cafeteria food is better than the junk fast foods with soft drinks but sweet tea is not much better if any.  When I go through this buffet line and only find a spinach salad and a baked potato that I feel safe to eat and all and then after I for the bacon office solid, then I am the general public is seeing sickness and death.  I wrote in my journal four years ago about good food before I really had the understanding of how clever the food industry has become too fake their food to look and taste good.  You may think a beautiful fresh salad bar is healthy but not always if it is sprayed with a chemical to keep it fresh/pretty.    I am learning more each day and not just about food but about the Apocalypse endtime revelation of Christ the Lord.  False doctrine is spread around the world and how could it be so bad?  The profiteers of taking advantage like any business.  It is near impossible for any business to be honest.  People most always promote whatever sells and it is true in the health food business as well.  The first sound we will hear will be the trumpet signaling the coming of the Lord and the first site we will see is His circling the globe.  At that instance

the earth will be renewed and the evil will be taken out.  The faithful believers will be changed to their permanent bodies and live with Christ forever.  The earth will be made heaven as the apostle John saw coming down from God.  The racketeers will face their fate and burn in hell forever.  That is what I believe.  That is what the Bible teaches. "Let us study to show ourselves approved unto God a workman needinmg not to be ashamed but righty dividing the work truth".  Should I have retained wealth haven't been successful, I would never have painted art or not on the death of his understanding.  I was always on the edge without having ever committed my soul to Satan through the Masonic Lodge of the preferred brotherhood.  I have no place in business, my place is on the side of true.  My place is where I am.  I am not a Finster speaking wisdom or painting pretty pictures, My place is to paint the provocative truth revealing prophecy that we are approaching.

I can say as King David "all nations are against me".  I am alone and few ever understand.  If I could paint Mount Everest or McKinley I would do so but God has already painted them white.  My job is to paint the truth to warn the world and to witness the gospel of our salvation by the living god who created us in his own image and loves us eternally.