June 29, 2002 journal, feelings befuddled, it could of been different, what if, drop candy.

I asked a group of Eastern Airline pilots walking picket in 4 inches of snow outside of the Hartsville International Airport if it would not be better for them to be flying up there in a jet for $80,000pa than freezing to death out here for nothing.  They explain to me why a sacrifice of this magnitude was necessary for them to make.  I considered it very foolish.  If you think your job working conditions are bad, just try living without your having a job.

Appreciation is always relative to the conditions.  How much do we appreciate what we have? Do we appreciate our parents, our children, our wife or husband and if so why not

tell them by calling their name and emphasizing our personal love for them at all times and assuring them of your support. This is the conduct of the Christian way to express genuine generosity and ongoing support especially in time of crisis when life is extremely difficult.

Crying over spilt milk is not smart to spend your time but sometimes it sharpens our mind to do better next time.  Everything in life is one-of-a-kind and often opportunities never do reappear and sometimes they come better.  If you think you only have one friend in life to  depend on, look again, the world is full of friends that you have not even met yet.  Do not preclude your life before you live it.  I try to show fairly my weaknesses as well as things I feel strong about.  My soul does surface in this journal and for that I am not ashamed. Let me wear Lord my testimony on my forehead, its better than the mark of the beast.  Never fail to witness for God and right regardless of the circumstances.  Never hide your faith in God Almighty proclaiming him as Lord and savior.  When the trumpet sounds and we see Christ coming in clouds of glory let us not need to be sad for something we've left undone.

The day of grace still remains open for us to get our heart right with God to be redeemed.

What if we had not been born or what if we die suddenly.  Let us be prepared first of all.  

If we let things happen in our lives and not try to control it, many good things will come our way.  We must have faith in ourselves and in our God to avoid the negative anxieties.

I'm reminded everyday that God is in control and he knows best whats around the corner.

Had I of used wisdom and followed procedure I would have avoided this pitfall in my life and been well on my way to paint the canvas cover of the dome.  My heart hurts when I consider the way it might have been.  Our free nature is self condemning and we must let God guide our path from day-to-day to be content with life as it is I must say praise God.

The TV show series 'Charmers' is reported to be gross witchcraft magic more even than Harry Potter.  Be it perfectly clear that Santa Claus, Superman, wizard of Oz and Spider-Man feature super magic and mimics supernatural power in most cases it is that of Christ.

Demonic powers rule this world and we must protect our children from this evil influence.

Once Satan has a grip on your children he will use them for his purpose to spread evil in his service and it will be hard to break away from his evil spirit.  Cigarette smokers find it near impossible to quit, that's the evil spirit of addiction not easily broken.  Alcohol is just the same habit forming and the battle of the spirits to claim your life and your soul is lost.  Teach your children the difference between right and wrong, otherwise, Satan will teach them to do wrong.  What life have they if bound up with the burdens of repetitive habits.

Life is hard enough even being free of addictive habits that complicate and is costly that destroy the body.  Do not try to get into heaven carrying a burdensome load of addiction.

I feel the dome in my bones and I believe it will come to pass some how and maybe even larger than 80 ft. diameter.  There is one that is a hundred feet dia. and 40 ft. tall but it is expensive.  Do not neglect your exercise and the reading of God's Word everyday to say.