June 30, 2002 journal, bewitched, closet of prayer. overcome temptation, higher thoughts.

The enemy is in every home to steal our joy if he can to slave us to trivial routine and daily time consuming chores that keep us from having a clear mind and time to spend alone with the Lord in the closet of prayer.  I feel that I was bewitched in the dome deal and waylaid because I believe it was meant to be a real turning point for many people in these last days.

Having traveled into Hong Kong in the 1970's and encountering their communist training schools, I felt the power of the devil beating on my chest physically standing 30 feet away from their chanting.  Never doubt the real presence of the enemy of our soul as the Devil.

To be out from the covering of God for 5 minutes is too long to risk one's soul.  Let us be covered by the blood of Christ and found in his service nonstop.  They are ever confirming evolution on the airways while I paint creation.  The creation theory is considered weak in mind and uninformed.  It is wise to serve the Lord. They are not hearing what I am saying.

I speak a different language contrary to most people living today. I live in a much different world and I see the value in certain things that others do not.  I experience at times saying things different than I am thinking or meaning to say.  God help me along the way to be pliable to ever situation.  I have missed my opportunity, I pray God to restore me in full.

I would be a happy man if I can get the dome now and know that God has intervened.

Three times in my life I remember feeling that I was bewitched and each time there was evil people nearby.  Never doubt the power of Satan to destroy the body mind and soul.

If I suffer this much over a relatively small business deal, how much more does a woman suffer over abortion of her unborn baby that she might have known and it goes on forever. There seems to be no relief at the time, it tears at your heart strings with galloping stress.  I would urge everyone to avoid even simple mistakes that generate stress upon the body.

Many people out there are hesitating about a full commitment of your life to God through Christ.  Yet when the curtain drops they will see the error of their ways but it will be too late to be saved, many people even in Christian rims are waning in their prayer life at large.  Prayer and meditation is the only way to start your day.  Reveal this to them Lord I pray. 

Victory is obtainable and sin is forgivable, not by a priest but by God Almighty in prayer.

Wake-up this morning with joy and praise and live the day seeking God to be near Him.

Long before daybreak I saw on my mind a situation where I returned to the dome and a new lady was cashier, I gave her my money on the dome and she accepted it. I arose up early and drove to Maggie Valley and sure enough a new and different lady was cashier, I gave her the money deposited on the dome in accordance to my purchase agreement and came away with a receipt.  God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.  This is evident that God hears and answers prayer.  It never would happen like this by accident in many years.  This is an example of Christ redemption after we were hopelessly lost.  Never tamper with God's work from going forth. This 80 ft. geodesic dome is to be the crowning of my career painting but not for me, is to show Revelation prophecy coming to pass now.

If God be on our side then who could be against us?  The minute I had that receipt in my hand, my stress burden lifted and has not returned.  I look forward to the challenge of the painting of the mighty Book of Revelation of great canvas surface totaling 12,000 square feet.  With night illumination this could be one the most attractive exhibition of the Bible and the prophecy of things about to come upon the earth to destroy the wicked and to rescue the righteous through faith and service.  I pray God to open the door to the right location that would welcome this exhibition.  I pray God for strength to paint it all right.