March 7, 2002 journal, if your church harbors secret orders then they need to change.

This painting is not meant to be arrogant but even God may be considered arrogant when it comes to condemning idolatry.  Don't expect God to tolerate idolatry even if the church does here on earth.  The red hats have a problem now being aligned with the Moslem faith in their commitment to Satan, having taken their evil oaths flaunting Christians with red. 

   Awaken us Lord I pray to the evil that awaits the destruction of our souls in idolatry.

We live in a sick nation and everybody has the flu and the medical profession cannot even cure a common cold.  The cure for a common cold is never to have one to start with and I believe if you have fresh citrus fruit daily, that you will be well and not get sick. The sugar babies are all sick off and on, some are very sick.  The barber's grandson has leukemia at four years old.  This nation thrives on sickness, it fuels our economy. The Idolatry painting news release "The end is near artist, William Thomas Thompson and Norbert H.Kox, both known international for their apocalyptic art, have worked in simultaneous unison on an individual canvas, 9.5 ft. by 7 ft., to create a powerful indictment of the apostate universal church system and the traditions of men.  It is the first collaborative effort for either of these artist.  The piece entitled "Idolatry", is a warning against the dangers of religious addiction, referred to in the Greek Scriptures as the drugging of the nation's,  "For by thy drugging (sorceries KJ V) were all nations deceived". Revelation 18-23.  In this painting seven churches and 10 steeples symbolize the seven headed 10 horn beast of the revelatory visions of the apostle John.  He sounds the warning, come out of her and be not partakers of her sins (mistakes).  Kox came out of a Catholic background, Thompson from the Protestant.  Both have had Pentecostal experiences.  Their combined diversity of religious knowledge contributes to a balance in identifying the false doctrines of the modern church.  They make a statement with Scripture based facts identifying false religious beliefs as idol worship.  Kox and Thompson, having both immerged from the clutches of religious addiction, warned against the deceptions of false teachers while pointing out the use of counterfeit images as modern-day idol worship.  These two seasoned visionary artists hope that the revelations of this work will shake the world (or at least a small part of it) from its complacency, to question traditions inherited beliefs while embarking on an active search for and investigation of truth.  They see the true path of spiritual enlightenment as an individual road which must be navigated with the utmost of care, to avoid the pitfalls and disasters associated with the herd-mentality that leads unsuspecting sheep hurdling headlong into the pit (grave) directly on the heels of their blind religious leaders.  Anyone interested in showing this painting can contact the artist at, or or call William Thomas Thompson at 864-233-9319 or Norbert H. Kox at 920-866-9187.  There is a cross to bear in doing a painting like this.  While the church does not show religious art in Protestants circles, they do show this false image of Christ that some artist painted fifty five years ago.  It has become worshipped like any other idol.  Churches put this image in their stained-glass windows and in their baptismals but it is not the Christ.  It will be a shock to the church to see this image but its according to Scripture.  This false Shepherd was predicted by the Old Testament prophet Zechariah.

Many times people do not want to know the truth but they rather hear and believe a lie.

The Catholics painted a lot of art of the Virgin Mary and the Christ child.  We are faced now with the final hour when we must speak the truth as a real challenge to the church to repent and be saved from the awful things that are to come on this earth.  Have no idols.