March 10, 2002 journal, new light over Manhattan said to mean peace, meaning masonry.
the fourth command of Allah is too fast during the month of Ramadan in daylight hours but the only morning and night hours can be given to sumptuous feast in. the fifth is to put make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a person's lifetime". Some highlights of the Moslem of crescive religion are quoted as " he cursed the Jews in his name of Allah, Karan issue are 84:42-55 preached hatred and damnation all who will not accept as mom, and urge his followers not to have been dealings with the Jews or Christians: O believers!
take not the Jews are Christians as friends. They are but one another's friends. If one in one of you taketh them for his friends, he surely is one of them. God will not guide the evildoers. Sura 5:56. For Christian to witness to an Islamic is against the law in an Arabic country; the penalty is death. From the beginning Arabs aggressed upon the other nation's.
The means of Masonry W L Wilmshurst (West York's) 1927, Library of Congress book.
introduction, the position and possibilities of the Masonic order. The papers here that are collected are written solely for the members of the Masonic order, instituted under the United Grand Lodge of England. To all such they are offered in the best spirit of fraternity and good will and with the wish to render it to the order of some small return for the profits the author has received from his association with it is extending over 32 years. They have been written with a view to promoting the deeper understanding of the meaning of Masonry. page 14 " but if Mr. has not as yet fulfil its primary purpose and, through engage in admirable secondary activities, is as yet and issuing instrument of low efficiency, it may be that, within large understanding of its designs, that efficiency may yet become very considerably increased. During the last two centuries the craft has been gradually developing more from small and crude beginnings into its present bass and highly elaborated organization. Today the number of lodges and the membership of the craft are increasing because all president. One asks oneself what this growing interest pretends and to what it will our can be made to lead? The growth sympathizes with a corresponding defection of interest in off the docks religion and Public religion worship. It need not now be inquired whether or to what extent the single principles of faith and the humanitarian ideals of Mesa are with some men taking the place of the theology offered in the various churches; it is probably that to some extent they do so. But the fact is with at bias that the ideals of the Masonic order are making a wide appeal to the best in stinks' of large numbers of men and that the order has imperceptibly the, the greatest social institutions in the Empire. Its principles of fate fifth fifth fifth fifth fifth ethics are assembled, and land of virtually universally sentence. Providing means for the expression of universal fraternity under a common divine fatherhood and of a common loyalty to the head shield and establish the elements of the state's, believes room far diverse fence of private belief and you upon matters upon which unity is impractical and perhaps the undesirable. It is solely between of politics and political integrity, but nonetheless has upon seriously become a real, though unobstructed if asset of political via, both then stabilizing the social fabric and tending to foster international amity. Page 17-let me conclude with a and Paul O'Neill and an aspiration. In the chronicles of Israel it may be read how that, after long preparatory labor, after employing the choicest montero's and the most skillful artist Ice-T fifth Solomon the Keane at last made an aeon of building and beautifying his temple, and dedicated to the service of the most high that work of his hands in a state as perfect as human provision could make it; and now that then, but not till then, his offering was expected and the acceptance was signified by a divine descent upon it so that the glory of the Lord shone through and fill the whole House. That the spirit of wisdom and understanding may descend upon the work of our hands in abundant measure, prospering it still further, and filling it and transfer figuring our whole Masonic House. " I consider the language hear-in passed self condemning to sell a least. This book says that Mason and dissemble lines by images or that minister is a benefit society.
I cannot believe what my ears hearing that our government is plotting of clear war against Iraq, Iran and North Korea if I heard correctly. We must be my need to think we would get by with this in today's world without unleashing the battle of Armageddon for sure.
will overlook the fact that is Lomb has a mandate and a time limit to takeover the wall and destroy everyone refuses to worship Allah. It is the legal and all Arab state to witness for Christ. It is the legal and Israel also to practice the Christian religion but they let it go for now at least. Bible art was destroyed by the Taliban and Afghanistan and shown on TV this morning one artist painted over with watercolor and now they're gone his erasing the water, to save the are