May 7, 2002 journal, sleep depravity, poison youth, pagan influence, redemption of church

from blind practices and doctrines of the devil.  We can cut short our heritage and say we came from the British Isles when actually we came from Israel.  We can cut short religion and say that this is the Christian way but it does not change things will God up in Heaven.

we are responsible for how we worship God. even if our steeple does have a cross on top, the obelisk steeple represents pagan reproduction worship practices that are very unGodly.

Pagan influence dominates Protestant and Catholic religion.  We have copied Catholicism and we have received their idolatry.  Sun god Osiris worshipers sit now alongside innocent people claiming to be Christian and trying to live right. There are no innocent Mason's that take that ungodly oath swearing allegiance to the Egyptian gods.  Religious institutions of our time most all house members of secret orders that rule our country and the world for the most part.  Not only do these secret orders rule the church, they rule of courts, they rule municipalities, they rule the government, they are the president, they are the power.

A report on sleep confirms again that we all need nine hours per night while we get an average of seven and many people get no more than four.  I believe loss of sleep over an extended period of time could lead to nerve disorders and likely accidents or even death.

It has been said that every hour lost in sleep takes a day off your life.  The body must be freed of all barring consumption to induce rest and lessen the stress upon our bodies.  If we cheat sleep we will suffer great harm I am convinced.  To keep our performance high, we must prepare for sound deep sleep for 8 to 9 hours per night and stop all the rushing.

People are shooting poison into their face to kill the wrinkles even at 29 years of age.  I say, what will these people look like by the time they are old?  I would say, avoid all such.

If you go out for a big meal flowing with meats, salad dressings and all like, it may be your last meal on earth but even if it is not, it could weaken your health enough to make a big difference in your longevity.  Just bite the bullet and refrain from gluttony.  The danger is in white sugar, white flour, meat fat, dairy products and table salt that is processed into a chloride poison.  Every body needs salt as animals do but not the standard salt as sold in the grocery stores.  All fried foods are said to have serious ill effects due to hydrogenated oil.   The average person eats enough junk food to kill a horse but thank God, the horse has sense enough not to eat junk.  I consider pasteurized milk to be the worst of the dairy products.  Cottage cheese, buttermilk and butter has original enzymes retained not having been heated in process.  Make sure it's real butter and it will be bad enough.  Margarine in my opinion is the worst food of all.  Nutrasweet may be even more dangerous for tumors.

It's my third day to be coffee free and I feel fine.  Coffee keeps you awake reportedly by agitating your nerve endings in other words, making you nervous.  I say break all habits.

This is said to be the anniversary of the monkey trial in Tennessee, defending Darwin's theory of evolution.  Nearly every channel on TV automatically indoctrinate the audience on evolution defying the Christian creative theology.  Christians just sit there and take it as good person and do not speak out against it being shoveled down our throat like zombies.

The church is infiltrated by the devil who always denies the miracles of God to create in us quality life at peace with joy and praise for the true and living God who provides for us.

A mockingbird is singing out my window right now.  The sounds of Spring are charming.

Let my soul lookup to the only hope and praise the Lord God and sing a song of praise.

Take new courage, looking forward to that great hope that is in Christ the Lord.  Pray to God for daily mercy and strength to behold tomorrow through the eyes of Almighty God.