May 12, 2002 journal, cause of cancer, part of me died with the baby robins, free oxygen. Painting priest continues. In 1932 Otto Warberg won the Nobel Prize for medicine for his discovery that cancer was anaerobic: My journal yesterday quoted the writings about the critical need to keep our blood alkaline while our stomach and urine are acidic. Is it now time after most of a century has passed that the medical profession listen to this Nobel award winning recognition of 1932 in the field of medicine. We've paid billions for cancer research and today people are dying like flies with this disease, more from chemotherapy than from cancer. How do we now awaken a biased medical profession back to honesty?
Seeing the beauty and gracefulness of the robin on our balcony feed her babies with such loving care and then see them having been taken away, to see the mother and feel her pain.
I'm thinking about the innocent unborn babies being aborted and/or killed at birth by this criminal system of so-called medical care. Beware that we do not suffer the same but let us continue to oppose abortion on demand because it is a sin in the site of God. Medical people are criminals even if they are not held accountable in this life in this nation here and now. The laws of man do not count, it is the law of God that counts against our soul in all of eternity where time is endless as the violators of God's law all burn in a real hell forever.
Sex in a row was reported on by the national news this week and is called a train. Parents are warned that if they hear their teenagers talking about a train that it means oral sex in a
line and by passing from one to another until they do them all. This is more evidence that we live in the last days of God's grace upon this nation of perverted cesspool citizens.
Quicken us Lord God I pray and may we expose and condemn the rotten filth of our time.
A trip by the water department on Prospect Hill graced by the obelisk out front of their huge four story building bearing a slate roof. This building sure would make a good Art Museum. The Water Authority is a powerful department of city government supplying rat poison water for all the region and charging three times more for chemical disposal of the sewer water. They treat it and return it to the Reedy River so that Greenwood would have water to drink. They put fluoride in the water the same as is used for rat poison that kills the enzymes in the rats stomach causing the rat to die of starvation with belly full of food.
They say they do it for the children but it does not help the children’s teeth. In fact it is known to pit the children's teeth and turn them a dark color. They do it for corporate buddies who are most likely members of the lodge, to dispose of their poison waste from the aluminum manufacturing industry. They then scratch their heads in great wonder as to what is making America sick. The pharmaceutical industry controls the criminal medical industry and thus they control your money through the Medicare system and of taxation.
Our little gambling governor is turning away the nuclear waste being shipped into Aiken.
We have stored their waste for 50 years and it's time to stop it from being imported here.
I went to the fabric store and ask for canvas and the lady asked me what I was to do with it and I told her to paint art on, she told me they did not have any for art. I responded by saying if I do not use it to paint art on, then do you have. I found some colored synthetic canvas that fit the bill for a new group of art unstretched that I'm planning to paint with all types of sayings written on them including Scriptures that one can hang almost anyplace.
I saw the robin walking across the yard looking under all the cars for its babies. Then it went into the cedar tree. I whistled and it seem to come nearer. The cheerfulness I hear is great from the birds around the house but I believe this robin will search for her babies.
Deuteronomy 22-6 "If a bird's nest change to be before thee in the way in any tree, or on".