November 2, 2002 journal, wolves in sheep’s clothing, playing with fire, what a marvelous God we serve.  I can only think of praises to his holy name.  Let this day Lord bring great joy and peace to our hearts and lives to live and manifest Christ to all that we encounter.  Christ is lord and God supplies everything that those in the fraternity pretend and search for but did not find in the pyramids of Egypt are on the hot desert sands of Arabia with the religion of Mohammed.  Fill my cup Lord with great joy and my head with knowledge and with understanding of thy holy scriptures and thy holy will.  May nothing stand in the way of a clear connection to the Holy Spirit of God for a life of true enlightenment with Christ.

There are many good Christian people going to church faithfully but then going home and acting like the devil. If you really have it then you will live in at home, at work, at play and

everyday where ever you are with a mindful conscious of God and faith in the eternal life.

Those searching for a higher more enlightened life with all its benefits outside of Christ are vain losers.  Let us awaken to the availability of the spiritual connection to the living Lord.

Wolves in sheep's clothing are those preachers getting up there being members of a secret order that prefers its membership at any cost over the majority population, having taken a vow of obedience to a false god such as Osiris the sun god of the Egyptian pyramids time.  Why would one play with fire and take in such an evil liability to damn their eternal souls?

Everything that is not of God is of the devil.  Do not try to enter heaven with a piece of hell of the secret order. First, put down that dead stone and turn away from the practice.  Fine and know Christ as the power in your life and denounce all other that would divert you and all the people you know to a substitute for God and not the real God I know.

If you have spiritual enlightenment from God then you do not need the Illuminati or Free Masonry or the skull and bones Yale society.  Stop worshipping those dead dry bones.

We are saved by grace and not by good works as the Masonics say is the order of the day.  This is used as a cover for these 'Fraternal Orders' as their alternate goal is to become rich.

The single most holders of slaves in this country was Mason's because they controlled all business with factories and farming plantations.  We are first enslaved by Satan who seeks to destroy our freedom.  If we have smarts enough to break the burden of Satan and turn to God, then we can be truly free.  Free of the desire for riches and power as they seek it.

The true spirit of God is recognized in characteristics in people because it harmonizes with the earth and all of God's creation.  Many people use the term Christian in vain applying it to unworthy lives and their own personal wickedness with greed to take the advantage of.

1995 issue foundation magazine, Jack Van Impe is quoted as pleading for fundamentalists to "forget your theological mooring's, forget your labels".  He goes on to praise John Paul and commends the Pope's plan for unity of all Christians and the establishment of a (one) world church. As all other ecumenicalists do, he misuses John 17:21, "That they all may be one".  Rexella quoted Charles Colson from an 11/14 Christianity Today article where he quotes Abraham Kuyper as saying Rome is not our enemy.  Van Impe replies "That great dialogue is going on now through Colson, through the Southern Baptist Convention num-bering 18,000, and through Campus Crusade numbering millions, and I want to be part of what I believe the Bible teaches ... yes, we have so much in common".  “Van Impe praises Pope John Paul II, message from the Vatican Magazine that they may all be one". But the pope, like so many other religious leaders, often has entirely different messages for differ- ent groups, "Christian unity will not become a reality unless all the churches accept the authority Christ entrusted to St. Peter and his successors". (They falsely claim Peter)