November 16, 2002 journal, “I will tear down my barns and build bigger”, construction is endless on our highways draining the treasury in favor of the secret society. This is tearing down the barns as the Bible says the rich man did and building new greater ones but we may not need them if people have no jobs and buy no cars.  The bright damaging lights on the BMWs is another problem.  The secret society is the obscure rulers of this country and much of the free world. The silhouette of this power only is visible, you do not see the real thing.  Project favoritism is almost as old as the hills and no one has ever figured it out, or at least no one whose voice is heard considering they control the press.  If you think this group is Christian even if they go to your church, then you are for sure mistaken.  Look again and you will see the evil trinity of strength, wisdom and beauty.  The strength is our strength from the sweat of our brow in production and in taxation.  The wisdom is from those who think they're smart enough to serve a false god in substitute for the living God.

Their beauty's in the dollar bill which they worship above all other and its their motivation.

Just then when I said God my ViaVoice computer put in the word Pope.  Let us live and learn everyday.  So we teardown the old and build new at enormous cost to every worker.

I am not a Bible scholar.  I felt led to paint the Book of Revelation in 1994 and gradually it was revealed to me how to apply it to fulfillment.  I was helped by 2 men in Protestant Northern Ireland especially Alan Campbell and Ian Paisley in his book on the Antichrist.  I have wrestle with this for years to see the light and understand the true gospel shutting off what I had been taught from childhood by the church.  I chip off a bit of understanding a little at a time.  Answering these questions is a challenge to me and is perhaps as helpful to me is anyone.  Reading the available opinions on the 'Sea Beast' of Revelation, most think that applies to the Mediterranean Sea area.  The seven heads I believe are heads of state but not limited to any particular number because the figure 7 indicates a complete number.

I believe the 10 horns are reconfirming of the 10 toes of the image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream which Daniel the prophet interpreted.  3 beast in Revelation have seven heads and 10 horns.  The fourth beast rising up out of the earth looking like a lamb having 2 horns

and is specified as the Antichrist with the 666 mark of the beast.  The scarlet colored beast of Revelation 17 known as the whore of Babylon comes up out of the pit of hell drunk on  the blood of the saints.  This is the re-appearance of Babylon in our government and the church in collaboration with it doing world business while compromising the true gospel.

The Book of Revelation reiterates the prophecy of the Old and New Testaments.  The prophecy is color-coded with red meaning war like the red horse in Revelation 6 and the black and gray horse meaning sickness and death.  The scarlet red beast means a different kind of spiritual war. All the book of Revelation has a definite meaning and fits our current situation today.  I believe the prophecy to be fulfilled already up to Chapter 16-16, that of the battle of Armageddon which the world stage is now set.  My Revelation Revealed art shows nuclear devices as exploding. Revelation 12-9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him". 13-2 "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the month of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority". 13-4- And they worshipped the dragon which gave his power to the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, who's like the beast? Who's able to war with him?" Russia is called the bear.

Bears hibernate as Russia is now.  The woman Israel was given u.s. eagle wings to escape.